Monday 26 March 2012

Are You A Leader?

If you could describe the perfect leader; who would it be? Why?  I had discovered this list of Leader Attributes that I found very accurate.  

Do you see any of these characteristics in you?

Attributes of a Successful Leader 

1. Self confidence, be knowledgeable about your work
2. Self control, remain calm under pressure
3. Sense of justice, fairness & respect for others
4. Decisive and stand by decisions
5. Organization & planning skills
6. Strong work ethic
7. Neatness & hygiene
8. Empathy
9. Mastery of details
10. True accountability in deed as well as word
11. The ability to achieve through others

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Go Now, And Live

I was out with my Sweet Pea one fine afternoon strolling along Main Street, browsing around all the little shops.  We entered this shop that had an assortment of 1960 Art Deco furniture. As we were completing our round of the store, making our way to the exit, the store keeper reveals to us that there was a second floor to the shop.  She explained that if we would make our way to the back we would find stairs that would lead us to the other showroom.  So we decided to give it a gander.  As we made our way up the round staircase , I noticed that the stairs continued up past the second floor.  Once we were done examining the second floor, we decided to see where the continuing stairs would lead us. I know, a bit nosy on our part.  As we walked up the staircase we notice that the walls were covered with what seemed to be framed pictures.  What they were, were printed little messages of inspiration accompanied by a creative background image.  What also amazed me was how creatively each picture frame was uniquely different. No two frames were alike. And like the frames, each message was also different. We were moved by each one.  So as we made it to the top we discovered that we had arrived at a door with a sign. Hot Yoga!  Of course, what other establishment would promote such words of enlightenment?  It seemed that the furniture shop had sublet a portion of their establishment to  a Yoga company.  I cannot find the words to describe how refreshing it was to read these proverbs, and metaphors.  However, there was one that really moved me deeply. I would like to share this piece with you.

Go now, and live.

Experience. Dream. Risk. Close your eyes and jump. Enjoy the freefall. Choose exhilaration over comfort. Choose magic over predictability. Choose potential over safety. Wake up to the magic of everyday life. Make friends with your intuition. Trust your gut. Discover the beauty of uncertainty. Know yourself fully before you make promises to another. Make millions of mistakes so that you will know how to choose what you really need. Know when to hold on and when to let go. Love hard and often and without reservation. Seek knowledge. Open yourself to possibility. Keep your heart open, your head high and your spirit free. Embrace your darkness along with your light. Be wrong every once in a while, and don't be afraid to admit it. Awaken to the brilliance in ordinary moments. Tell the truth about yourself no matter what the cost. Own your reality without apology. See goodness in the world. Be Bold. Be Fierce. Be Grateful. Be Wild, Crazy and Gloriously Free. Be You.

Go now, and live!

Thursday 23 June 2011

INVICTUS - by William Henley

Many of you might be familiar with this piece from the movie Invictus,  directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Morgan Freeman with Matt Damon. The poem Invictus (Latin for invincible) by William Henley is very bold and powerful. In the film Nelson Mandela (Freeman) recites this poem to express his invincible spirit during his time in prison. It shows us that despite any hardship we face, we must stand firm and not capitulate.  This is one I like to read in the morning before I start off my day.  In my mind, Henley has really captured the power of Human perseverance.  
Defiantly one of my favourites.  Enjoy!

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be,
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced or cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance,
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul

Introduction to PTMT

Wake Up Call
Did you ever wake up, look in the mirror and wonder “what’s the purpose to my life?”  “Who is this guy looking back at me?” This epiphany had sent me hurling down a path of self discovery.  I’ve embarked on a journey to find the “man” that I already was.  Only, I didn’t know I was him; yet!
Time for change
There was a man inside me crying to get out. He either never had the courage break free or just didn’t know how .  I found that my life was yearning for something more. I knew that there was more meaning to my life. There was a mission waiting to be found. But I couldn’t find it. My life was all over the map, and I wanted to get back on track. My job was not fulfilling. I felt incomplete at the end of each day. I didn’t know if I was coming or going. Stress was beginning to take a toll on my body.  But most of all, I could not offer the deepest part myself to those that I cared for so much.  I had to change.
The Background Music
The first thing I notice was the world that I lived in was dismal, unsatisfying, limiting and very negative.  I felt that there were only problems in my life. I found myself facing people who would see me for the things that I wasn’t. I began to blame everyone and everything for the failures in my life. Not for one moment realizing that they were my failures and no one else’s. The image that I thought people were making of me; was in fact made  subconsciously by me. I needed to change the way I was thinking. My objective was simple: to transform the “problems” into mere obstacles.  I had to stopped listening to “I can’t” or “you’re not” voices and began listening to only one single powerful sound that was resonating inside me; “I will!”
The moment I had stop listening to the background music,  I discovered that I had my own song inside me.  My song was my mission, my purpose, and my path.  I always knew it was there, though I never had the courage to listen to it. There is voice that lives in all of us and guides us to the mountain peaks of life. All we need is to be silent and listen.
 Habits Are Hard To Break
Truth be known, it wasn’t easy. No. Actually, it’s not easy.  I still face the ghosts of my former self day to day.  Thankfully, I am now able to identify those disempowering habits and getting better at replacing them with empowering ones. However, I wasn't aware of those habits until I was able to admit to one thing; that I wasn’t present with myself.  I had to become present with everything in me and around me.  I needed constant reminders. So like any bodybuilder who trains vigorously to attain the body of a Greek god; I had to train my mind to think like a Greek philosopher. So I went out looking for people who were thinking the way I wanted to think.  It was important to find people who spoke a language that I understood, and would fuel my spirit; engage me to do the things I was meant to do...LIVE MY LIFE !
Why This Blog?
I decided to start this blog site as a channel to transmit my thoughts and emotions. Exercise my mental muscle if you will. Moreover, to help me, and hopefully help you, break the chains of the mundane and begin to awaken the greatness that lies silently within us.  From time to time I will post literature here that had sparked interest. Be it poetry, art, music, articles and so forth.  It will be an archive of all the things that meant something to me at some point in time.  Also, it will give me an opportunity to promote my teachers and mentors who have contributed greatly for helping me put this man together .